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Taizhou Shuangling Tube Belt Co.,LTD

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anti-acid and anti-alkali conveyor belt
anti-acid and anti-alkali conveyor belt
Specification: NN-100 NN-400, EP-100 EP-400
Detail: Anti-acid and anti-alkali conveyor belt Product characteristics: Choosing cotton canvas, nylon canvas or polyester canvas as its belt core, the cover rubber is made of acid and alkali resistant material, with erosion resist...

polyester-polyamide conveyor belts
polyester-polyamide conveyor belts
Specification: EP-100, EP-150,EP-200,EP-250,EP-300,EP-400
Detail: Polyester-polyamide conveyor belts, also called EP conveyor belts. Its tension resistant body is canvas woven by polyester in warp and polyamine in weft. The belts have the characteristics of low elongation in warp and good tr...

oil resistant conveyor belt
oil resistant conveyor belt
Specification: OR-100, OR-200
Detail: Oil resistant conveyor belt product characteristics: It uses cotton canvas, nylon canvas or polyester canvas as its belt core, and covered with a special oil-resistant rubber, then made of high temperature vulcanized. T...

general conveyor belt
general conveyor belt
Specification: NN-100,NN-150, NN-200, NN-300
Detail: General conveyor belt is the major component of the belt conveyor. It's used for carrying materials, which is widely used in steel, coal, metallurgy, chemicals, building materials, food and other industries. Co***re with other...
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